Thursday, March 6

What is 'the Fourth Estate'?Is new media technology responsible for the decline in newspapers?What does it mean "maybe the internet is already the cyberspace of the fourth estate"?

The media itself is fourth estate the most important state. As well as fourth estate there are also three other estates the Courts, Religion and Parliament
New media technologies has had a major effect in the decline of newspapers and will continue to have one for the forseeable future as new media technology improves. For example you can now get wireless internet access on your phone further declining the newspaper industry. Therefore newspapers are having to change the way they present themselves and changing what they offer too move with the times and increase sales. The mass market newspaper has shifted from a populist news agenda to one of gossip allied to a political orientation. They have participated in the rise of celeb culture and have culviated links withTV soaps and 'reality TV, programmes such as Big Brother. It is important for newspapers to devise new ways to keep the public interested in newspaper and therefore continueing sales and keeping themselves in business.draft

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